Our Impact
For 25 years, HSC has worked to build school health initiatives that create equitable conditions for health and learning. Today, HSC supports 28 school health centers (12 with dental operatories), behavioral health in 18 school districts, youth centers, family partnerships, and cross-sector initiatives.
Zoom to see a map of all 28 school health centers.
Here is a snapshot of what we accomplished in 2018-2019.

hours spent at
school sites supporting students’ behavioral, social,
and emotional health.

students registered for
clinic visits at
school health centers.

dental appointments for
unique clients.
youth and families served
in 2019

How it works
For “Results-Based Accountability”
we measure our impacts three ways:
1. How much did we do?
2. How well did we do it?
3. Is anybody better off?
2018-19 Results-Based Accountability Findings
School Health Centers
How much: 28 school-based health center sites (12 with dental operatories).
How well: 14,500 students registered; 56,750 clinic visits.
Better off: 98% reported school health centers helped them learn how to take better care of their health.
School-Based Behavioral Health
How much: 15,000+ hours across 14 school districts and 253 school sites supporting school health initiatives and over 4,500 hours of trainings and consultations to develop school staff and parents’/caregivers’ capacity to support the behavioral, social, and emotional health of young people.
How well: 15,88 + students were referred to COST; 92% of individuals referred
to services were connected to a service within 1 month.
Better off: youth reported positive increases in school life, social life, and
self-management skills.
• 71% of youth surveyed agreed they felt good about their future.
• 82% of youth surveyed agreed they had support from adults other than their parents.
• 80% of youth surveyed agreed they had somewhere to go when they needed help
or support.
Youth and Family Opportunities
How much: over $3 million leveraged annually to perform case management, health insurance and public benefits enrollment assistance, crisis intervention, counseling, mentoring, health and wellness workshops, leadership development, arts and enrichment, and academic/college career supports.
How well: 21,697 youth and families served.
Better off: 97% – 100% satisfaction rate including over 96% reported increased access to resources and increased resilience and social-emotional skills.
Dental (HTHC + SHC Dental)
How much: In school year 2018-19, two HSC Community Dental Care Coordinators, working in 11 school districts, made 552 dental appointments for 269 unique clients.
How well: 5,300 SHC dental visits took place in 2018-19.
Better off: 93% of clients screened at baseline and follow-up demonstrated improvement or no further dental decay.